Why Steam Cleaning Is The Best Method For Pet Owners?

We have all heard the saying that “dogs are man’s best friend.” But when the pet comes home from playing outside or from a walk, there is no doubt that they have picked up some dirt and debris on their fur and paws. While dogs can be cleaned with water and soap, Top Carpet steam cleaning at Wattle Glen is an option for owners who want to get rid of fleas, ticks and other pests as well as remove dirt from their pets’ hair. Eliminates Pet Stains and Odours Steam cleaning is the best method for removing pet stains and odours. Pet stains and odours are the most common reason why people hire professional carpet cleaners, and steam cleaning is an effective way to remove them. In fact, it's one of the safest methods available because it doesn't involve chemicals that can harm you or your pets. The process involves applying hot water and steam directly onto affected areas until they're completely saturated with moisture (usually less than 15 minutes). This f...